URL Registration |
Registered and renewed by ZVanT.
The primary URL is
Dataname servers (DNS) are ns1.zvant.info and ns2.zvant.info |
Hosting |
Established by ZVanT. |
Content and Design |
Randy Morse engaged Zachary Van Tassel to create the original content and design of the site.
Randy then expanded his content from the original outline. |
Maintenance |
Maintained by ZVanT. Randy is too busy running his
business to also run a computer. He mails handwritten updates and
copies of his paperwork to communicate changes. |
Internal Use |
Public site published to
http://Chim-Kleen-com.zvant.info |
Offsite backup published
http://Chim-Kleen-com.zvant.net (private) |
Local machine maintained on
(local) |